Lightweight Motorcycle Club Association Rules effective 28th November 2017 can be viewed here.
General Meetings
Our meeting schedule for 2024 will be available soon (TBC):
A minimum of 4 general meetings will be held each year for members and their families to come along and discuss ideas, these are designed for the board to hear the thoughts of the wider community and help shape the club in a direction on behalf of all its members. If you would like to come along to one of these meetings we would welcome you, your thoughts and positive attitude. If you would like to have an agenda item added for discussion or have feedback at all please email so as these ideas can be tabled appropriately.
All meetings commence at 7:30pm sharp at the Byford & Districts Country Club, Byford (unless otherwise noted).
Your club, your facilities, your voice – let us hear it!!
Annual General Meeting (AGM) Notification
Our AGM will be held in January 2024 at Byford and Districts Country Club (88 Linton St North, Byford). More details available closer to the date.
The club will be looking for new volunteers for the 2024 season and beyond. If you wish to join the Lightweight team please send nominations to
Please consider nominating if you want to be part of the exciting future of LWMCC- this is a great opportunity to help shape the club into something even better than it currently is and a brilliant way to give back to the club!
At the AGM you will also be able to express an interest in one of the supporting roles without which we cannot function as a club. There are a range of roles on offer, including race officials, track crew, fund-raising sub-committee, webmaster, canteen and bar manager, merchandise coordinator, busy bee coordinator and more. The more people who step up, the more we can get done- so please consider what you can do for your club and the greater LWMCC community!
We hope to see you all there- bring on 2024!